Thursday, October 23, 2014

Hi Def Life Blog Awakens- Redux.

Not sure why I tend to get so caught up in the rapid pace of technological progress, yet I tend to neglect my one and only blog.  I've decided to put some fresh air in the tires, wash the windows, change the oil and go for another ride.
This time, there are way more players on the field and platforms to keep track of.  Steve Jobs passed away and Apple has been updating product lines like mad.  I've decided to focus mainly on the products and services that I personally use, and from time to time I'll ask a friend to submit a post about something I'm not familiar with - like 3D, game platforms, Amazon hardware, high frame rate TV, or whatever new thing lands on the market to make movies and TV shows more exciting.

I'm a broad-band cord-cutter, so my main couch-adjacent portal to hi-def fare is my AppleTV.  Each year I hope and beg that a new GUI will arrive, or single-sign on, or universal search, or HBO GO without a cable subscription (we're getting that one next year!) or better integration with my Apple ecosystem.  Instead, I get tons of new channel apps that I can't access, or don't want to (a Cricket channel?).  So, it's mainly Hulu Plus and Netflix for my family, with occasional Blu-ray rentals.  Incremental progress is fine by me.

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